Navaio game offers the solution

In the Hollands Midden Security Region, fire brigade, police, GHOR and the municipalities work together on disaster relief and crisis management. The security region also works closely with water boards, environmental services and defense. Every organization is responsible for its own tasks. Together these organizations are responsible for the security in Hollands Midden.

In short, a very important organization with many responsibilities which is very aware of the need to increase the safety level within the organization. And this is not only about information systems, but also about access to buildings, documents lying around, strong passwords etc.

Employee him/herself is the firewall

The aim of this campaign is that all employees are aware of the need for information security and privacy of personal data and act accordingly.
The goal is that the employee realizes that he/she is the fire wall him/herself!

Last Wednesday, during the European Week for Safety and Health at Work, we officially started this campaign with a kick-off!

Navaio is proud of being such a wonderful ambassador for its security awareness services.

We wish all participants lots of knowledge and fun!