New game helps prevent cybercrime

In the fight against cybercrime a new weapon is on the market: the Navaio IT Security Awareness Game. It is a specially developed solution for companies that playfully make employees aware of the dangers on the internet and the risks that the company runs.

For companies that are looking for further training of their employees in the field of cybercrime, the game is a cost-efficient solution. Compared to a costly and long course – where the end result is difficult to measure – the game offers immediate insight into the progress of each player. Entrepreneurs can continuously monitor the level of knowledge, which ultimately results in a better awareness of the risks that a company runs.

Knowledge anchores in the brain

The Navaio game uses a learning platform where each player gets an optimal and personalized learning environment at his disposal. Each game round takes about two minutes. Employees determine where, when and how often they want to play the game. Through artificial intelligence in the app, it ensures that players want to keep playing and that the knowledge from the game is anchored in the brain. Colleagues can take the challenge again and again and see the scores via a dashboard.

Benjamin Uittenbogaard, director at Navaio IT Security:

“It is no news when I say that computer security is becoming increasingly important. Cybercrime is a serious problem for companies: 60% are confronted with it, according to research.
Think of a hack, virus, spam and phishing. We notice that entrepreneurs want to do a lot about prevention. They are increasingly committed to safe action so that their data are better protected. The solution developed by us can help them properly. It reduces the chance that a company will become a victim of cybercrime. “

The Navaio Game uses self-learning algorithms, gaming principles, scientific insights and data analysis. The game is accessible via a downloadable app. A free demo is now available for companies. Visit our website for more information or call us on 023 5344496.